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andboard 是一款由一群工程师在业余时间设计的低成本 Cortex ™-A9 板。这些工程师每天都在接触基于 ARM® 架构的解决方案。促成这一开发的灵感基于这样一种情形,许多开发板玩起来还不错,但是在设计真正的产品时灵活性就不足了。Wandboard 就是要通过选择易于设计的系统级模块来克服这个问题,减少基板的层数,这样有了基本工程知识后每个人都可以设计和制作。

image of EDM1-IMX6S-MSD Wandboard.Org - Box IC MODULE CORTEX-A9 512MB 10PK 171.401
image of EDM1-IMX6U-MSD-BW Wandboard.Org - Box IC MODULE CORTEX-A9 1GB 232.655

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Set up in 2001, with a mission to reduce the cost and time spent to develop embedded devices, TechNexion has become one of the most respected and fastest growing embedded systems solution providers. Our system-on-modules, embedded mainboards, fan-less embedded computers and panel PCs have enabled some of the biggest OEM/ODMs to create successful products used by the multimedia, communications, security, automation and process control industries. We continuously invest in production technology, state-of-the-art equipment upgrades, and research and development so that all our products deliver the benefits of the latest technology, no matter how complex. We also back up all our products and solutions with unmatched longevity, open hardware documentation and open source software.
Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules

(+86) 755-8257-9923
